Homeschool Week
April 23 through April 28
All homeschool moms know this – homeschooling is hard. It takes a lot of sacrifice and commitment. Therefore, I want to end this “Homeschool Week” by emphasizing your need for support!
First of all, WE need to support ourselves. That may sound strange, but it is true. We need to remember our vision for homeschooling and refresh our minds and hearts on a regular basis. When life is tough, it is easy to get discouraged and feel like quitting if we don’t fuel ourselves with good thoughts. We beat ourselves up when we bombard ourselves with negativity. Mission statements, Scripture verses, and quotes from good books are good to review and reflect upon.
Yes, good books (or blogs ~wink~)! There are a plethora of good books about homeschooling. Read them. Digest them. Re-read them. Glean wisdom from others who are walking this walk.
Like-minded friends and veteran homeschoolers provide good support. They can relate to our world and encourage our hearts.
Homeschool co-ops are another way we can find support. Many provide classes, field trips, mom’s support night, and other helpful resources. It is beneficial, not only for you to see other homeschoolers but also your children.
Homeschool convention/conferences are a super way to get recharged. Now is the time of year when homeschoolers everywhere are gathering to peruse all sorts of curriculum, glean necessary nuggets from valued teachers, and extend their network altogether. It is so encouraging to attend a conference where there are thousands of homeschoolers. You remember that you are not alone! There are many others – just like you!
Most of all, remember to talk and pray with your husband! You are a team! Together, you are building your family and raising the next generation for Jesus!
If you have any questions about homeschooling, feel free to email me at thecozynookblog at gmail dot com. I will do my best to answer your question or direct you to someone who can.