Sunday, January 8, 2012

Inspiration for the New Year: Evaluating the Essentials

Inspiration for the New Year button
January 8 – January 14
Welcome to our week of inspiration!
I am excited about the week ahead.  Each day I have something to share with you, from myself and four other blogging friends!
Enjoy and be blessed!

Evaluating the Essentials

"Take Care of You!!!"

That is what the sign at the health center shouted at me.

It is also what the Lord and life have been shouting at me.

Life has taken me by storm at times.  The demands upon my life have exponentially increased within the past few years, draining me in every aspect of my life.  Sometimes I wonder how I can keep going, how I can take care of all of these people and needs all the time.  It can be overwhelming at times.

One day it dawned on me... I am not taking care of myself as I ought.

I began to think about the some of the key areas of life, necessities for a good, strong thriving life.


When I evaluated each area, I realized why I have felt so tired and unable to push ahead so often.  I am taking care of myself very poorly.  I am failing in just about every area.  How can I expect to keep pushing forward and drain water from a well that is becoming dry?

I ask you this New Year, as you long for change and good things in your life:

How well are YOU taking care of YOURSELF?

Grade yourself.  Write down on a sheet of paper how you are doing in each area, between 1 and 5, with 5 being exceptional.  When you are finished, total the numbers.  What is your grade point?  25 - 30 = A, 19 – 24 = B, 13 – 18 = C, 7 – 12 = D, lower than 7 = E,  Are you happy with your report card? Even if your overall score is pretty good, is there an area or two GLARING at you? 

Think about how you can take better care of yourself this year. 

When we take better care of ourselves, we can be better people for Jesus, better wives for our husbands, better mothers for our children, and better friends for those we love.

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea of evaluating each area..I have some work to do!
