Today’s post is from
Sarah Beth of His Loving Presence
God Is Our Provider!
Happy New Year!
Would love to share with you what the Lord has been teaching me on debt and to inspire you with a wonderful idea for the New Year!

Have you read George Muller’s biography? The book is his journal. He was a preacher in England who felt led by the Lord to not take a fixed income, simply put a box out for those who felt they wanted to give. He then opened a school and Christian orphanage. The Lord taught him to NOT rely on man, government or the church to provide for the orphanages needs: food, clothing, coal, medical and furniture. This man relied on the Lord alone for all their needs.. daily you learn how God provides! It’s amazing! George wanted to show people that you do not have to be in debt, the Lord wants to completely, 100% provide for His children.
I highly recommend this book; your faith will be strengthened!
I got to thinking after this book, how many times do I myself rush to the store to buy something we need instead pray for the Lord to provide? Even worse, how many times do we buy something that is on loan, creating debt?
The Average household debt in the United States has now reached a level of 136% of average household income. That is jaw dropping!
But what does the Bible say about debt?
"Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8
God wants us to come to Him for the things we need and trust in Him!
I remember credit card offers kept coming in the mail, once I picked them up and thought, why not..I have some upcoming expenses. But then the Lord whispered to me, I will provide.. those mean you don’t trust in me!
Oh Lord I do trust in You! in the trash the offers went! ...and he did abundantly provide for us.

My goal, that I want to inspire you
with, is to create a:
Journal of Prayers & Blessings
When you or your family have a need…clothes, coat, shoes, car, books, something repaired, etc. anything! Write it down and pray about it.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33
The Lord is so good and provides for us more then I even know, here are just a few things the Lord has provided me with:
I prayed for winter boots... just days after a family member gave me a brand new pair that she didn’t like.
I prayed for food to be provided for a family gathering during the holidays..A neighbor came by with oranges and a big ham.
I prayed for a new bed for my daughter..we had seen children’s beds for around $400.00. We found her a brand new, beautiful wood day bed with lil hearts carved and a un~used mattress, all for $30.00.
Found homeschooling books from my favorite publisher for $2.99
This journal will encourage you on those days you need it!
It is my goal to not rush to the store for things we need but to pray and give all the glory to the Lord.
I am not just talking about credit cards but also auto and home loans. In my mind I always thought that if our car acted up, we would just keep buying as new as possible, on loan. God has really opened my eyes on this type of thinking. God gave us the idea to make a payment into another account, save and use that money when the time comes and we need a new car. For now, my car isn’t brand new but it’s perfect for us!
There are so many ways to save, ask the Lord to fill you with creative ideas!
“All believers are called upon, in the simple confidence of faith, to cast all their burdens on God and to trust Him for everything." George Muller
"Prove the faithfulness of God by carrying your every want to Him." George Muller
"The borrower is SLAVE to the lender, Proverbs 22:7. So who named that "MasterCard" Anyway?" Dave Ramsey
For more information on being debt free, click here:
I hope that you are blessed by this idea and that it inspires you greatly! If you have anything to share, maybe what God has taught you or provided for you and your family, please share!
Sarah Beth blogs at His Loving Presence where she loves to encourage women in the Lord. She has been a helpmeet to her husband Jon for 7 years. They have three beautiful children. She is a full-time mother and has been homeschooling for three years~loving it! She loves to cook and make homemade everything from buttermilk ranch to laundry soap… She loves herbal teas, herbal medicine, and reading. She and her family have been living in Nevada for over 3 years but will be moving back to her home state of Michigan this spring.