Several months ago I realized this handy notebook seemed to be one of the latest gadgets in homemaking. If you do a Google search for it, you’ll find it plastered all over the internet.
I had been wanting to put one of these together for myself and finally did! What better time than now – the start of a new year?!
Do you ever have clutter on your counter or elsewhere, papers that just can’t seem to find a good home?

Enter the Home Management Notebook…

You can keep your information all together in one, handy place, use it as a planner, and transport it too!
The basic gist…
- Get yourself a three-ring binder.
- Insert tab dividers with the categories that best serve you.
- Print or create documents to help you track your to-do lists and schedules.
- File away all of your important papers!
In the front section of my binder, I have a daily docket, a weekly docket, a monthly calendar, and any important papers I might need for my to-do’s this week.

So far, the other sections of my binder are categorized as:
- Food – meal planning, recipes I plan to use soon, pantry and freezer inventory.
- Blog – planning my blog ideas and upkeep.
- Homeschool
- Church
- Homemaking – cleaning schedule, cleaner recipes…
I’m sure I will tweak things as I move along, but I need to start somewhere.
Even if you don’t have fancy documents to put inside, start with some lined paper! You can always create your own lists that way.
I made myself a simple binder cover in Word, just with some clip art and a Title. Nothing special… just something to get me going.
As I said, there are resources all over the internet regarding making a notebook. Some of the ones I found most helpful were:
Domestic Serenity: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Home Management Notebook. (She’s got a lot of helpful info!)
Mrs. January. Free documents to print. I am using her daily docket, weekly docket, and more!
Money Saving Mom also has some free docs you can print.
Don’t let perfectionism prevent you from starting. Begin somewhere and change things as needed!