I am always trying to figure out good ways to connect with my daughter. There are a lot of factors in our family dynamics that make our relationship challenging at times and also cause her to feel alone and needy.
I intend to be proactive. She likes to create, so I keep my eye open for things I think she may enjoy doing and squeeze them into our days.
Recently, I saw some simple – yet beautiful – designs made by the children at our church’s school. They were made with rolled/quilled paper.
I didn’t know exactly how to make them, but I figured it couldn’t be too hard. I got out the colored paper, invented a quick system, and away we went!
You may be able to figure out a different way to do this or have done it altogether differently before, but here’s what we did.
Supplies needed:
Colored Paper
Paper Plate
First, choose your paper for the background and which colors you will use to create your design .
Measure 1/2 inch thick strips and cut them by hand (or with a cutter).
Cut each strip into thirds. I did not measure this part. I just eyed it.
Roll the strips. We just rolled them by hand.
Dollop a good amount of craft glue onto a paper plate.
Place an end of the rolled paper into the glue and place onto your background to start creating your design.
Repeat the steps until you have the design you desire!
You could do all sorts of pictures!
If you search online regarding paper quilling, it is quite amazing.
Here are a couple sites I found: