My sweet seven year old daughter actually took this picture.
“Be still and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10
As you examine your soul today can you say that you are “still”? Do you feel calm? …or anxious? Strong? …or weary? Joyful? …or depressed? Are you resting in God’s goodness overall or has the enemy’s ways gripped your soul?
I can say that I am learning through a very, grueling process to be still. I am learning to trust in my God and to be less affected by the things around me, to be able to surrender them to my Lord without them consuming my soul.
I have been thrust out of my comfort zone for years now. It has been a painful period of my life, as God delves into the depths of my soul to deal with the dark issues of my heart. God wants us to be at peace no matter what. He wants abundant life ~the fruit of His Spirit~ to flow out of us; in turn the flesh must die.
If you are feeling weary, trust in your God. He loves you. He cares for you. As it says earlier in Psalm 46,
God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble!
Be still, my soul, and know He is God!
It can be so challenging to 'be still' when we are feeling agitated by situations and circumstances, and yet too often I find myself unsettled even when circumstances around me *appear* calm. It's my own soul, not the circumstances of life, that is in need of stillness - regardless of what is happening. As I think about it, I am not sure we can truly *see* that He is God if we aren't first being still. Otherwise we are (at least I am) too distracted by everything else, and particularly my own flesh.