Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Blessing of Kindred Spirits


Anne (with an “E”) meant well when she spoke of kindred spirits.  She was a passionate girl with energy, hopes, dreams, and vigor and wanted to share all of that with someone like her, a bosom buddy!  Anne knew the value of special friends, and yesterday I was reminded about how wonderful and energizing it is to have kindred spirits in our lives. 

My daughter had a friend over for the day.  This was very special for her.  She was playing with someone near to her own age who thought like her and enjoyed doing the things she likes to do.  The girls had fun, just being girls!  They cared for the baby quite a bit since they were so anxious to be with her and play “house” with her.  They also giggled, played outside, made homemade bubbles, juiced lemons for homemade lemonade, and did a lot of pretend play – together.  They seemed to enjoy every minute of it and got along splendidly.  My daughter enjoyed it so much that she was skipping around the house at times, with joy. 

All of us need times like this, where our hearts are “skipping for joy”.  All of us need kindred spirits.  We need people who are like us… people who have similar vision… people who can encourage us to go the right way… people who will stand by us and give their shoulders when we need them.

Kindred spirits bring refreshing to our souls.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, it sounds like she had a really lovely day! My daughter skips for joy and jumps too when she has her friends over. You are right, we all need sweet friends in our life. When I moved and knew no one, I prayed for the Lord to bring my friends and He sure did!
