Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bless Your Husband

Today I took out an old, large, bound journal with the intent of making some notes.  I am evaluating various areas of my life, trying to refine and improve some things.

I found a good list of things I had written down years ago about being a good wife.



  • Your husband is #1.  (Remember that!)
  • Do not focus on YOUR day when he comes home.                            Seek to bless him.
  • Look nice.
  • Be kind.
  • Thank him for what he does to help around the house, even if it isn’t how YOU would do it.
  • Strive to keep the flame alive:  Love him, adore him, write notes, surprise him, be sexy.

Challenge yourself to do something this week that will put a spark in your heart towards your husband.


  1. Aww these are wonderful!! Its been my goal for awhile now to make an effort at making my hubby number one.. it really changes your life and I love it! Thanks for sharing! and the reminder!
