Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Celebration and Sunday Sundae Cupcakes

This evening we celebrated my middle two children’s receipt of a wonderful gift – the Bible, God’s Holy Word.  After our children learn to read and are reading well, we celebrate by giving them a Bible.  We reiterate to them how a Bible is different than any other book they will read because it is God’s Word.  We talked for a bit about the Bible and prayed that God would draw their hearts closer to Him and teach them through His Word.  Then we had our children read aloud a couple verses out of Psalm 1, which influences the idea that a man is blessed when he delights Himself in God’s Word and follows righteousness.


To conclude, we dolloped a delicious heap of toppings onto our cupcakes to make Sundae Cupcakes.  They tasted just like sundaes, in cupcake form.  You can find the recipe here at “Joy the Baker”.




  1. How sweet! That picture is the cutest! I just read about how the Maxwell family (Managers of their homes) also gives each of their children their own Bible once they can read well. I think it is a great tradition.

  2. Love your post and the pics of your beautiful children! You are doing such a wonderful job raising Godly children. May God give you strength and wisdom for each day!
