Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September Summary

September always seems to go by extremely fast!  It hosts the start of school, the start of extracurricular activities (like soccer and piano), four birthdays in our families (including my husband’s and my own), and much more!


The past few weeks have been even more tumultuous as Brian’s job has been extremely stressful.  His team has been dealing with many computer outages, and he is barely getting sleep.  I am trying to be a good helpmeet but find myself feeling well-spent and needy.  Nonetheless, we were able to get out for a date last weekend to celebrate my birthday, and it was very nice.  We went out to a Thai restaurant for dinner, came back to nurse the baby, and then went shopping together so we could buy my birthday presents.  It was a refreshing time.



  1. A busy month for sure! I hope you had a great birthday! That is a great pic of you and Brian!

  2. Oh, and I will keep Brian and his job in my prayers! That has got to be rough on all of you! ((hugs))

  3. It looks like you had a nice evening. I always enjoy the nights that we get to get out alone.
