Yesterday was an interesting day. We finally came to the realization, after some signs this week, that our refrigerator was not working properly. It was too warm, and things were spoiling. We ended up emptying out the entire refrigerator and freezer and defrosting it.
After some investigation, Brian had found this:
Yes, the coils on the inside were COVERED with ice, as you can see. On top of this discovery, pregnancy, sickness, and other personal issues, I was feeling pretty discouraged about life in general and about hosting our Resurrection Dinner this weekend. God has a way of moving
us forward, though, and using bad situations for good.
The thawing of the refrigerator fixed the problem, and the refrigerator was now cleaned out and organized, just waiting for celebratory food to fill it! I’ve gotten myself together and am on my way to hosting our Resurrection Dinner tomorrow.
In addition to cleaning out the refrigerator, I cleaned out the vacuum filters, which were so immensely dirty. Too bad I don’t have I picture of those, huh? In the evening I made my first shopping trip and bought the bulk of the food I need.
We were also able to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL 80 degree weather yesterday, and the kids and I even did some of our school outside. All in all, the Lord had His hand on us and helped our day turn around. Thank You, Lord.
Now I’m off to make some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and get my day going! (I know… not the healthiest option for breakfast, but sooooo yummy…. and don’t forget all of those mood-boosting, antioxidant properties in chocolate). :-)