Saturday, October 11, 2014

31 Days to Becoming Less Stressed, More Refreshed. Day 11: Get Proper Rest

Get Proper Rest - The Cozy Nook

Writing this challenge to become less stressed and more refreshed is just as much a challenge to me as it is to you. As I write about the various ways we can fight stress, I see where I fall short and need to improve.

Getting proper rest has always been a struggle for me. Balancing life’s demands, fighting my tendency to be a night owl, getting up with kids at night when they were young, staying up with kids later when they are older, etc., all have contributed to my continual battle to establish a good sleep schedule for myself.

Nonetheless, I plod on!

I have been making baby steps towards going to bed earlier, waking up earlier, and getting more sleep. When I do get the rest I need, I feel better and stronger.

Sleep is super important!
It’s a God-given recharge!

Are you getting enough rest? Your body will tell if you are getting enough rest. Some people can sleep for six hours, and they feel great. Others feel they need more sleep.

When I read about sleep, it seems that the general recommendation is about seven or eight hours, so I would recommend that anyone strive for that.

“Getting a good night’s sleep is an effortless technique to create longevity and health. Deep rest during the night helps you fight stress, maintain a healthy weight, and keeps your energy levels high.”
Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D.

I have read in various articles that an hour of sleep before midnight really equals two hours of sleep. Going to bed before midnight maximizes our sleep.

“This is an old saying but carries a large amount of truth. Your best quality of sleep is obtained when your circadian rhythm is at its lowest point (usually between 10 pm – 5 am). Therefore even if you obtain a good amount of sleep (7-9 hours), going to bed late is likely to lead to a large amount of your sleep being highly inefficient.”
Jason van Schie, Psychologist, People Diagnostix, WA

This article has 10 tips for getting better sleep and also emphasizes the importance of sleep before midnight.

Getting proper rest is essential to feeling
more refreshed and less stressed!

Take Action: Make it a priority to get proper rest each day. Focus on establishing good bed and wake times.

31 Days Less Stressed, More Refreshed 100


  1. This one can be hard me; I would much rather stay up late, but I always have much happier days when I just go ahead and go to bed.
