Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Children Will Make Choices


When I became a mother nine years ago, I always pictured my sweet children standing beside me, walking the way I walk, doing the things I do, following God and serving Him… purely.  Over the past few years, though, I have seen things that remind me that my children will grow up and determine, ultimately, who they want to be.  That can be a very scary thing, if they choose the wrong path.  I have seen heartaches in good, solid, Christian families where children have been raised as proper as proper can be and choose to go astray.  I have seen the culture of Christian schools and churches.   Many times, they don’t appear to be different than the world.  The youth have the same entertainment, speak the same filthy language, have improper dating relationships, wear immodest clothing, etc.  It is disheartening, to say the least.

My heart’s cry goes out… I pray that God will preserve my children and present them before His throne blameless one day.  I pray that they will be able to find godly mates and that they will always cherish the Christian heritage they were blessed to have in their youth.  I pray that my prayers will make a difference in their lives!

May we do all that we can to help our children make good choices.  May our prayers be potent, our example be worthy, and our love be fervent!


  1. I have the same worries and prayers, right there with you!

  2. Lisa,
    Your loving prayers, your exemplary examples and your fervent love will be with your children forever!
