Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Giveaway for Mother's Day - $15 Amazon Gift Card

Mother's Day is around the corner, and I'm giving away a $15 Amazon gift card! (and I am not being paid by Amazon to do it).

This gift comes from me to you. ~SMILE~

Moms are important! They give life to the new generation, and then they pour their hearts into them: raising, training, loving, giving, serving ... endlessly.

This giveaway is for you, moms.

Happy Mother's Day!
I pray your day is truly blessed.

I will announce the winner Friday morning. Wouldn't that be a good way to start the weekend?!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Pure Flix: Enhancing Your Homeschool Curriculum with Media

What do you think of when someone says, "Pure Flix"?

Family-friendly media streaming? Yep, me too!

And when I think of that, I think of sitting down for a nice, entertaining show, 
but did you realize you can use Pure Flix
as a resource for your homeschool?

Pure Flix has movies about Science, History, Government and more!

How wonderful it is to supplement your regular curriculum with media that your student will enjoy, reinforcing his learning and introducing new material!

If you'd like to try a sample of what Pure Flix has to offer, they have a FREE 4-week homeschool curriculum. 

Below you will find more benefits to using Pure Flix and some of their resources. For more information you can check out Christian movies at PureFlix.com.