As a mom and even moreso, a homeschooling mom who is always on call, I feel responsible for a lot for my family: their health and nutrition, their education, their hungry bellies, their needy souls, their talents, their weaknesses, and everything in between. I wake in the morning, knowing that any moment can start rolling the ball of needs, demands, and inquiries. If I don’t intentionally start the day proactively with some time for myself, I will lose that precious time as my family waits for my love and service.
I have said to my husband at times, “Picture waking up in the morning to your boss staring you in the face, waiting for you to get to work”.
That’s how motherhood feels oftentimes. If I don’t rise before my children, soon enough they will be breathing in my face, waiting for breakfast and direction, possessing appetites and intentions and hopes for the day.
The day moves forward, and I serve and serve… Training, exhorting, encouraging, reproving, prodding, feeding, cleaning, driving, and tending to many needs.
It isn’t long before I realize that I need to be on my toes daily. I need to have my strength stored up and my ducks in a row. Well, as best as I can, and of course, rely upon the grace of God for the rest! Drier moments and seasons will come when we rely upon God to carry us through our days.
However, I believe we need to make time for
so we can make ourselves
stronger, wiser, healthier, and lovelier.
so we can make ourselves
stronger, wiser, healthier, and lovelier.
The blessed and sometimes unfortunate truth
that our households are only as good as we are.
that our households are only as good as we are.
If we desire to have a clean house, healthy meals, happy hearts, a
cozy atmosphere, well-trained children, hospitable moments, and thriving
marriages, we will have to work hard to restore our strength and be filled up so
we can pour good energies into our homes.
Taking care of our homes and the hearts that live there and visit
is an immensely important privilege and also a huge responsibility. We should
never take it lightly nor should we get to the point of despising the beautiful
position God has put before us.
Taking good care of ourselves prevents
provides refreshment, and positions us to thrive.
provides refreshment, and positions us to thrive.
There is no need to feel guilty about making time for ourselves,
but everything should always be done with proper moderation. Too much focus on
ourselves causes us to neglect responsibility and feel like we ought to live on
an eternal vacation or merely feed our own desires. Too less of a focus on
ourselves causes us to neglect ourselves and be susceptible to depression, lack
of vision, sickness, fatigue and more.
How are you taking care of
- Reading your Bible
- Praying
- Memorizing Scripture
- Attending church
- Fellowshipping with the believers
- Getting enough sleep and rest
- Eating well
- Exercising / Adding movement to your days (walking, housework, etc.)
- Reading good books
- Staying away from dramatic situations
- Giving yourself quiet time each day or at least when necessary
- Limiting social media and internet time
- Prioritizing and pouring into your marriage
- Keeping peace and joy in your relationships with your children
- Creating and maintaining friendships that are godly and encouraging
- Finding a mentor, if necessary, to help you through tough times
There is a lot we can do to take care of ourselves,
and it isn’t really optional.
Taking care of ourselves isn’t about
selfishness but about building ourselves up so we can be the best we can be for
God and others.
What can you do today
to take care of yourself better?
to take care of yourself better?