Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Crispy Southwest Chicken Wraps

Life’s been busy.  We returned from vacation a couple weeks ago and fought illness in our home for the following week.  We started homeschooling yesterday, and tomorrow morning we leave bright and early to drive our niece (who has lived with us for almost four years) to college.

In the midst of trying to learn many things from the Lord and balancing life, I have to make time for good food!

Enter Crispy Southwest Chicken Wraps!


I made these lovelies for dinner tonight, and they were a hit!  After all, what can go wrong when you mingle chicken, rice, beans, cheese, cilantro, green onion, peppers, salsa, and other food friends together?


You could eat the filling all by itself!

This dinner did take quite a while to make, but it was worth it!

Take that, Taco Bell!  ~smile~

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My 2012-13 Homeschool Curriculum

Last night I finally finished ordering our curriculum for the year.  Normally this is done way before now, but it has been a hectic, draining year.

I always enjoy getting our books in the mail, and my children do also!  This year, I am trying some new curriculum, so it is even more exciting. 

Our 2012-13 Curriculum
(italicized are new options for us)

7th grade:

Math – Horizons Pre-algebra
EnglishDaily Grams, Abeka Vocab/Spelling/Poetry, Writing Strands, Literature study connected with history.
Science – Answers in Genesis
HistoryNotgrass “America the Beautiful”.
Spanish – Rosetta Stone
Programming – Homeschool Programming

4th grade:

Math – Math Mammoth
English – BJU Grammar & Writing, Spelling Power, Abeka Penmanship
Science – Answers in Genesis
History – starting the year with Christian Liberty Press American Pioneers and Patriots
Spanish – Rosetta Stone
Art – See the Light
Piano, Violin

3rd grade:

Math – Horizons
English - BJU Grammar & Writing, Spelling Power, Horizons Penmanship
Science – Answers in Genesis
History – starting the year with Christian Liberty Press American Pioneers and Patriots
Spanish – Rosetta Stone

That’s our year in an nutshell right now.  Some things will change and be added as needed as we go. 

Are you trying any new curriculum this year?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Savor 7– Linking up with a Friend, Savoring Blessings from the Week

I just returned from “Family Camp” with our church.  I had hoped to get some posts together before I left to keep you busy while I was gone.  I’m sorry that didn’t happen.  I’m back now, though, and need to crack a whip at my blog!  To start, I’m linking up with my blogger friend, Lisa, from “Stop & Smell the Chocolates”.  I hope you’ve had a great week!

Psalm 91:1  “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. 

Traci from “Ordinary Inspirations” always inspires and blesses me with her God-centered, humble posts.  Check her out!

We had a great time at camp with our church this past week.  I had a wonderful time catching up with friends and just having fun.  I played beach volleyball, tennis, ping pong, and other fun games. 

This is my husband when he finished riding the zip line at camp. 


Here’s my sweet baby on the beach.

I love English breakfast tea and had a few cups of it at camp.

The campground served layered cheesecake slices at our last meal there.  I endured graciously as I forced every delicious bite of chocolate raspberry delight into my mouth.  ~smile~

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What’s in Your Husband’s Lunch?


Right about now, many people are discussing what to put in their children’s lunches.  Since we homeschool, that thought isn’t in my mind so much as to what I should put in my husband’s  lunches.

Recently, I started feeling like a pretty bad wife.  My husband was getting teased for some of the lunches he was bringing to work.  Yes, to be honest, they were pretty wimpy.  Sometimes it was because we were “waiting for that next paycheck” before I did another grocery run.  Oftentimes it was just because I did not put enough time and effort into making my husband’s lunch better.

I am determined to make better lunches for my husband!

I want him to have an ample, tasty lunch!

I want his lunch to be a good reflection of my love for him.

My goal is to have something from each of the three categories in his lunch:

  1. Main entrée:  leftovers, a sandwich, a hearty salad, or something simple like a frozen burrito or Hot Pocket.
  2. Fruit or Vegetable:  apple, banana, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, raisins or craisins, strawberries….
  3. Salty or Sweet:  potato or tortilla chips, homemade popcorn, trail mix, homemade baked goods – cookies, brownies, etc.

Depending on what is in his lunch, I may want to add extra protein, like cheese and crackers or a boiled egg.

What’s in your husband’s lunch?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cluttered House? It’s Tornado Time!

Recently Traci from “Ordinary Inspirations” posted about her tornado cleaning.  I’ve been there, done that, used that, and liked it! 

Tornado time is really helpful for when you are going to have company over or you are just feeling a tad overwhelmed by all of the clutter in the house or by your “To Do” list.

Some keys to tornado cleaning:

Set a timer!

Work like a madwoman!

Get your other family members involved, if possible!

P7080029Here are some before/after shots of a recent tornado episode in my home.  My intention was to clean as much as I could, as fast as I could for 30 minutes.  I ended up extending the time to 40 minutes, because unpredictable things like this happen (the toddler got into some markers and enjoyed writing on herself!)




Is it time for your house to be taken by storm?