Friday, May 9, 2014

A Mother’s Day Wish for Every Mother

A Mother's Day Wish - The Cozy Nook

To the mother whose mother has passed on…
To the mother who is living life single-handedly…
To the mother who feels weary and discouraged…
To the mother who is struggling to make her marriage work…
To the mother who has never known her own mother…
To the mother who is lonely…
To the mother whose child has left the nest…
To the mother whose grown child has rejected her…
To the mother who is carrying her unborn child…
To the mother who has her arms full of little ones…
To the mother who gave her child up for adoption…
To the woman who is still hoping to be a mother…

To every mother, in every situation,
I wish you a blessed Mother’s Day.

I wish you comfort.
I wish you peace.
I wish you joy.
I wish you strength
I wish you delight.
I wish you amazement.
I wish you satisfaction.

I wish you every good thing that comes from the hand of God!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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