Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Feeling Behind and Plunging Ahead!

two watches stiff

Photo Credit

Lately I’ve been feeling very behind.  Yes, even behind in blogging!  It’s been a week since I’ve posted anything, even though I’ve had ideas spinning through my head here and there. 

Each day seems to contain more work than I can handle.  My brain and schedule are full. Sometimes I feel like life is going by so quickly. 

How do we handle the pressures of today?  How do we manage the needs, activities, relationships, education, regular workloads, organizational projects, social events, ministering to others, etc.?

We need to find our answers in God.

We need Him to tell us each day what we should do.

We need to have flexibility in our hearts and lives to allow God to speak to us and alter our course, so we may find the keys to success!

I find myself lacking, even as I write this post, as to how to move forward.  I need God’s wisdom and insight for my life!  He will show me what to do!  He will show me what needs to be completed, delayed, or axed altogether.

God knows what we need and has a purpose for our lives.

When we remember God’s love for us, and His great desire for us to have peace and victory, THEN we can plunge ahead!

Are you feeling behind?  Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Take it to God.

Listen to His heart.

Ask Him to give you the wisdom you need.

Be prepared!  His answers may be different
than your own plans and expectations.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent post friend!! I need to just print this out and look at it every day! :) And I once said - when you ask God to help you decide between "A" and "B", sometimes He answers "C." :)
