Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I’m on Twitter!

Well, I took the plunge recently.  I’m on Twitter.  I haven’t had the chance to add the fancy Twitter button yet to my sidebar.

I have mixed feelings about social media, which is proven by my current personal fast from Facebook.  (“The Cozy Nook” is still alive and well there though!)

Nonetheless, I’m on Twitter so, if you’re on Twitter, stop by and say “hi”. 


  1. Happy tweeting! I've been on Twitter for a bit now, and really don't get it. We can learn together!

  2. And I'm glad to see you there! All forms of social media can be tricky, but I have been greatly blessed through Twitter during my time on it {after my first couple months or so being totally addicted - ugh} - which I never would have expected.
