Monday, April 16, 2012

Comparison Robs; Contentment Revives!


I remember hearing a sermon years ago where the pastor mentioned flipping through “Better Homes and Gardens” magazine.  He realized he was becoming discontent as he browsed through its pages.  Why?  It was because the magazine showed “better homes” and “better gardens” – of course – and whose were they better than?  HIS!

Yes, it’s true.  There are many influences in our modern day world that keep us on our comparison toes – Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, magazines, and other sorts of media.  These tools can be used well if they are used properly – in moderation and for inspiration.  Otherwise, they can zap time and energy as we strive to “keep up with the Joneses”. 

In addition, we have our own battles in our hearts and minds with regard to people we see and know.

Our thoughts go something like this…

Jane’s husband is better than mine.
Her children are more well-behaved.
Her house is cleaner.
She is prettier than I am.
She is so talented and crafty.
She is an expert seamstress.
Her home is decorated to the T!
She is such a good cook!

and the list goes on and on and on and on…

IMAGINE, though, if we could just be content.

…if we could just be thankful for what we have.

…if we could work with all of our might with the strengths God has given us.

… if we could rejoice with those who rejoice and be happy for what others have, even when we lack in that area.

That type of life, my friends, brings revival to our bodies and spirits!

1 Thess. 4:11 says -
“that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands”

Are you aspiring to lead a quiet life – free from the distractions and energy-zappers?

Are you minding your own business or wasting too much time on the internet and other places?

Are you working with your own hands with all diligence?

Let us strive to be content with what God has given us and to be lost in His will for our lives.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent, excellent thing to remember! It can always, always be 'better.' Even Solomon's palace could have probably looked a little bigger or better! So why not just decide to be happy with the way things are now? Funny how we always focus on what we don't have instead of what we DO. I canceled my subscription to BHG because of just that reason... what else can you expect from a magazine called BETTER Homes and Gardens? Haha!
